
Maria Grazia Merlo is a PMP certified Project Manager, Senior Business Analyst, and Office 365 specialist, with 17 years’ experience in the software field.
She is passionate about cutting-edge technologies and methodologies that can help customers to automate and simplify their processes.
She has worked for international organizations and companies such as Nestlé, Bridgestone, FAO, the World Food Programme, and Microsoft.


4 thoughts on “About

  1. Maurizio Fidanza April 20, 2016 / 2:15 pm

    Buon pomeriggio,
    abbiamo da poco deciso di utilizzare SharePoint 2013 nella nostra azienda.
    Io mi occupo del sua implementazione, nei limiti del possibile, utilizzando solo le funzioni OOB.
    Mi chiedevo se Lei svolgesse attività di consulenza per aziende private.


    Looking at your name I’m assuming you’re italian, if I’m wrong just let me know I’ll re-word the frase in english 🙂


    • Maria Grazia Merlo April 22, 2016 / 8:26 am

      Buongiorno Sig. Fidanza.
      Lavoro per un’azienda che si occupa proprio di questo. Se vuole mi può inviare i suoi recapiti (info@mariagraziamerlo.com) così posso farla contattare da un nostro responsabile per capire se le possiamo essere utili in qualche modo.

      Grazie e arrivederci.


  2. Quan Nguyen February 2, 2018 / 3:28 pm

    Hi Maria,

    I happened to find out about your blog. It is very helpful to gain knowledge about the workflow. I am learning about SharePoint Workflow to help my company save time and money. Thank you for sharing knowledge

    Best regards,


    • Maria Grazia Merlo February 5, 2018 / 3:00 pm

      Dear Quan, thank you very much for your kind words. I’m glad your finding this blog useful.

      All the best,
      Maria Grazia.


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